Battlefield 2042 will be separating old and new console players!

Battlefield 2042 is the first game to split the game between platforms in an unexpected way - new with new and old with old players.

Jul 15, 2021 - 13:00
Battlefield 2042 will be separating old and new console players!

Although cross-play Battlefield 2042 is still in development, it is already clear that it will be a completely different approach to connecting players from different platforms.

These are not players of Xbox and PlayStation or PC systems, but even the same systems with different generations of devices.

This means that players of the Battlefield 2042 game will only be able to play with the same players, not PlayStation 4 gamers, and the same applies to the Xbox.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players will have a version of the game with up to 64 players at once, while PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S will have up to 128 players at a time. DICE states that players of new generations of consoles will still be able to play against each other - PS5 and XSX / S.

In order to fill the capacities, DICE will fill the places with bots where there is a lack of real players, but a person will always have an advantage over AI. However, bots will initially be prevented from using flying suits, as well as class features, so players will be able to easily spot and eliminate them faster. On the other hand, AI figures will still be able to revive fallen human players, as well as call a vehicle or help solve tasks.

The test of the game will be available only to those who receive an invitation, and DICE will inform all of us when the time comes to start the game. We remind you that the untried Battlefield 6 will Battlefield 2042 will be without a real single-player campaign, instead, the development team will concentrate exclusively on multiplayer.

By: Angelica W. - Gossip Whispers