Pixelmon: a new shadow over NFTs

Feb 27, 2022 - 19:39
Pixelmon: a new shadow over NFTs

For Minecraft and/or Pokémon fans, talking about Pixelmon is frankly gratifying, because until now, we were talking about a Minecraft map in which an open world is proposed in which aspiring trainers can become with these iconic creatures, in addition to interacting with other players and living a lot of adventures, all with the unmistakable visual aspect of Minecraft.

Even so, and for some period now, Pixelmon has been something else for many people, and it is that a new RPG project was announced some time ago, with many ambitions, obviously inspired by the Pixelmon of Minecraft (and thus in Pokémon), that would offer players unique creatures that they could train, use to play, and… yes, indeed, do business with, because each creature would be an NFT.

The advance release of some Pixelmon photos and trailers convinced many users, who were urged to invest in the game by getting some NFTs that did not yet exist, trusting that those in charge of development would do a good job and, in a few months, they would have their unique creatures. On paper, the concept does not appear to be a bad one. After all, the Pokémon fandom has been waiting for years for a truly open world, exactly like Pixelmon promised.

Pixelmon was marketed as "the first AAA grade game in the NFT realm," and its marketing worked brilliantly, as we can see, raising up to 70 million dollars, with certain purchases translating into up to three Ethereum each minute. His immense success, however, was the beginning of his collapse.

And it is because of this growth that customers began to demand their creatures, the NFTs for which they had paid, and as a result of this pressure, those in charge of Pixelmon caved in and began to distribute the creatures they had acquired to consumers. The storm then broke out on social media, as users began to share the creatures they had received with the rest of the globe in messages like this one. https://twitter.com/NFTColin/status/1497340699494297604?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1497340699494297604%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muycomputer.com%2F2022%2F02%2F27%2Fpixelmon-nueva-sombra-sobre-los-nft%2F

As you may have guessed, the image on the left is one of many used to promote Pixelmon. The one on the right, on the other hand, is the creature that a player has gotten. Perhaps you believe this is an exception. I'm sorry to tell you that it isn't. In this thread, you may see many different creatures received by Pixelmon players, as well as what is happening with the pricing of these NFTs and the money received by the game's producers.

As a result, the one that promised to be the first triple-A game in the metaverse ecosystem, with NFTs that might make its owners millions, appears to be disintegrating rapidly. True, those involved have admitted their mistake, apologized, and pledged to enhance the characters. However, if the animals with the desired degree of design are finally available, players will have to wait months. Even if the designers of Pixelmon have noble intentions, they will confront numerous challenges in getting their product off the ground.

We will not call Pixelmon a scam because there is still time for those responsible to prove that what happened was an error.