This cross between "Truman Show" and Disney's cartoon "Wreck it Ralph" is the mo...
Josephine Langford and Chance Perdomo play the characters in the new film, and t...
A deeply disturbing film that allows the mind to go to dark and dangerous places.
After the role in the film '8 Mile', the rapper did not have significant acting ...
Dogecoin grew 12.5 percent two days ago, and 40.4 percent this week, currently ...
And the rules are especially loose when it comes to WandaVision, so we decided t...
That bigger world is ours by right. With everything we've beaten, everything we'...
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle seem to be closer than ever, judging by the sta...
The impossibility of "correct" presentation of the Holocaust has long fascinated...
Monica Bellucci shot intimate scenes with a woman, and soon we will be able to w...
Aretha Franklin was one of the biggest stars in America, but also all over the w...
The Abu Dhabi-based company is building the largest clean energy solar factory i...
Amazon announced on Friday that the second season of its multi-million-dollar te...
Oscar-winner Tom Hanks will also collaborate with the famous director for the fi...
Maybe this is your chance? The plan is for four people to live in NASA's Dune Al...
Marvel has created some of the greatest fictional superheroes of all time: Spide...