THE WORLD'S LARGEST FLOATING SOLAR FARM: Clean energy for at least 50,000 houses and 200,000 tons less carbon dioxide

The Abu Dhabi-based company is building the largest clean energy solar factory in the world in Indonesia.

Aug 14, 2021 - 17:14
THE WORLD'S LARGEST FLOATING SOLAR FARM: Clean energy for at least 50,000 houses and 200,000 tons less carbon dioxide

After a large solar park as part of the Masdar project, Abu Dhabi also received a project to build the largest solar clean energy factory, which floats on water.

A floating solar farm will be built in Indonesian waters, where sunlight is available most of the day - off Batam Island, an hour’s ferry ride from Singapore.

Thanks to photovoltaic solar panels, this clean energy factory will release over 200,000 tons of carbon dioxide a year to the planet!

It will cover 1,600 hectares of water surface, will not pollute it on any basis, and will produce 2.2 gigawatts of electricity, and have storage for 4GWh of electricity. Sunseap is in charge of construction, design, financing, and design, which will invest over two billion dollars in the construction of a solar farm.

The Indonesian floating solar farm will produce at least 2,600 GWh of electricity per year!

Over 800 workers will work on the construction and maintenance of the clean energy factory, and the electricity obtained in this way will be enough for 50,000 homes. This project will be built in 2022, and will come to life in 2024, and will help Indonesia reach 0% of carbon dioxide emissions by 2060. Simultaneously with the launch of a floating solar farm in this country, the shutdown of electricity generation by coal exploitation will begin.

By: Angelica W. - Gossip Whispers