Square Enix has opened a new studio in London that will focus on mobile games

Square Enix today unveiled its new studio in London that will focus on free-to-play mobile games, the first two of which are already under construction - Tomb Raider Reloaded and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Oct 20, 2021 - 03:55
Square Enix has opened a new studio in London that will focus on mobile games

“ We have great games in development, access to Square Enix-owned IPs, and relationships with the world’s leading companies, but our people will be in a competitive advantage that will drive our success now and in the future,” said Ed Perkins, head of the new studio.

The new Avatar game does not currently have a confirmed name, but Square Enix London Mobile is working on it in collaboration with Navigator Games - a development team that has worked on Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast.

As for the new Tomb Raider game, the studio is developing it in collaboration with Crystal Dynamics. The game itself should arrive on Google Play and the Apple App Store in 2022 and will offer many elements from the original Tomb Raider trilogy.

By: Olivia J. - Zexron