SHOULD YOU TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER EVERY DAY: Pros and cons and how much they affect the quality of your computer
How often do you shut down your computer?

If you have a habit of shutting down your computer frequently, something like this can damage its hardware, but it can also significantly reduce component life.
However, the fact that it is constantly on can also damage the computer.
There are really legitimate reasons to keep it on and off, we will look at them below.
Of course, the final decision will be up to you because you have to judge for yourself what suits you best depending on how you use the computer.
Should you turn off your computer every night?
It all depends on how you use your computer and how often. If it is several times a day, it is better to leave it on than to turn it off. The process of turning on a computer significantly affects its hardware every time you turn it on.
The more time it takes to turn on, the more the hardware consequences. If you use the computer for only a few hours, once a day or less, then it is more convenient to turn it off before going to bed.
Reasons to leave your computer on:
Longer life of your computer - The computer uses a burst of energy each time it restarts. As we mentioned, the ignition process affects the internal components and slowly reduces their lifespan
Allows more regular software updates and system scans - The ideal time to scan your computer for viruses or other plagues is during the night. And we don't just mean using antivirus, but also updating programs and other routine obligations that maintain the power of your computer. Updates sometimes require the computer to restart for a visible effect, and this usually happens automatically
Remote control - If you use your computer as a server, then it must be constantly on and off
You'll spend less time - Your computer needs time to restart all programs and data if it was previously completely shut down.
Reasons to shut down your computer:
Electricity bill - As is the case with any electrical appliance and computers that use electricity, you wouldn't want to turn off your computer before going to bed if you want to reduce your electricity bill, but don't expect to "magically" halve the bill.
Computer overheating - As summer and heat follow, overheating can significantly affect the performance of your computer, but also its longevity. It is also very important to take care of the cooling system and to keep your computer clean. All internal components have a limited life cycle, and you can extend it by letting your computer rest, or shutting it down
Silence - Computers can be noisy, fans work non-stop, and sometimes the sound stays on, so notifications can interrupt a peaceful sleep.
By: Angelica W. - Gossip Whispers