Windows 11 lowers the performance of SSD and HDD

So much was said about Windows 11 being better than Windows 10. It turns out that the new Microsoft system has problems with disk support

Dec 14, 2021 - 11:25
Windows 11 lowers the performance of SSD and HDD

So much was said about Windows 11 being better than Windows 10. Well, not necessarily. It turns out that the new Microsoft system has problems with disk support, which translates into lower hardware performance.

It's no secret that Windows 11 was not perfect for the premiere. The new system had to deal with various problems that irritated window users (luckily, most of them were eliminated).

Certain SSDs seem to have to lose a lot of performance on Windows 11 compared to their predecessor Windows 10. This is what users found out using benchmarks in the comparison. Such reports of slowing NVMe SSDs have been around for months, but the problem still seems to be present. This is shown by comparisons between the current operating system and its predecessor Windows 10, which were determined with benchmark tools such as Crystaldiskmark or A-SSD. Windows 11 lowers SSD and HDD performance

One such problem is the performance degradation of hard drives - it quickly became apparent that drives running under Windows 11 offer worse performance than the same hardware running under Windows 10.

The user PleasedPen25317 has published on the Microsoft forum several comparative tests of the Samsung 980 PRO carrier - the drive under the new system provides significantly worse performance.

Similar reservations can also be found on other industry forums. Microsoft already has a solution to the problem

Microsoft confirmed the flaw (and interestingly, it applies to both newer SSDs and older HDDs). Apparently, it is caused by carrying out other, unnecessary activities during the data recording operation. However, the performance degradation only occurs when the NTFS USN function is active.

If you are using "eleven" and have encountered similar problems at home, we have good news. Microsoft has already prepared an appropriate patch (KB5007262), which fixes problems with disk handling under Windows 11. You can install it via the Windows Update service.