8 GOOGLE MAPS TRICKS - You didn't have a clue

Jan 20, 2022 - 17:00
8 GOOGLE MAPS TRICKS - You didn't have a clue

Google Maps is one of the most loved tools.

Since it assists us with finding a spot or area when we don't know where something is. What most users don't know is that Google Maps is loaded with helpful choices, and we've picked the 8 best for you.

Google upgrades and updates very often, and Google Maps gets new highlights substantially more regularly than you might suspect. On the off chance that you haven't gotten choices as of late, odds are you've missed something that can assist you with thinking that it is more straightforward when you're searching for something.


This time, we'll focus on 10 somewhat new choices you presumably haven't known about, and which can assist you with doing significantly more with Google Maps. We will likewise specify that we have chosen choices that have been demonstrated to work on Google Maps on Android and iOS operating system, so somebody would not understand left.

Regardless of whether you're using another navigation application like HERE WeGo, Polaris, it wouldn't damage to look again at the world's most famous navigation application, you may be astonished by features you didn't know existed.

1. Change your eating regimen

At the point when you're searching for a neighborhood café, and you're not somebody who likes to eat pretty much anything, Google Maps has the choice of picking the things you like. You really want to tap on your profile symbol in the upper right corner, select Settings, then, at that point, Manage your inclinations and afterward the Dietary choice. From the offered choices, Novak Djokovic's fans will be content with the choice of an eatery with sans gluten food, and in addition to other things, there are likewise choices for veggie lovers and vegetarians.

Choose the filters, then tap on the Update preferences option that will show up at the lower part of the screen, and your search will be reduced to cafés that match your criteria.

2. Check the prices
One of the exceptionally helpful data for restaurants is the price range, ie the normal costs you will pay assuming that you eat at them. This choice is helpful in the event that you are restricted by a financial plan and don't have any desire to spend more cash than you arranged.

You really want to know that this isn't a choice that restaurant owners can enter, yet users contribute their own data. In some countries, you will think that it is hard to book straightforwardly from the application and see the normal cost, however, it is recorded in dollar signs ($) just underneath the name. Most of the time, you can see the choices for booking a table and itemized costs per individual, with the choice to add the value yourself.

3. Send the path from work area to mobile phone

It's simpler 100% of the time to track down something on your PC, so you shouldn't be greatly amazed by the option that allows you to just send it to your phone when you track down something on your PC. Simply track down the area and choose the Send to your phone choice. On the off chance that you have a few phones enrolled for one account, you can pick which one you need to send to, or send the mentioned data by email or as an SMS to your phone number.

4. Extra travel data

Before you set off, Google Maps can give you info about your objective and course, for example, the low-emission zones you go through or the COVID-19 passes you need if you cross the border. This information is recorded on the actual route, and the main ones are at the top, so it is wise to take a look at them assuming that you intend to travel someplace soon.

Significant information will be recorded on the screen before the trip, to ensure you have all that you really want.

5. Share how far you have come

Assuming that you're heading out with friends to a similar place, and your starting destinations are unique, an incredible option as of late added to Google Maps is sharing data on how far you've come. During the trip, you should simply press the part at the lower part of the screen and select the Share trip progress choice. From that point forward, the classic Android sharing menu opens for you, with as of late reached friends at the top and sharing options in the individual applications beneath.

Your friends will get your location until the trip is finished. so they realize they can track down you for instance assuming you stop at a similar gas station

6. Check when it is ideal to leave

Possibly you become involved with the end of the week, road works, or simply the groups. The choice that assists you with this is in the upper right corner of the screen as three dots. It seems when you track down a destination to make a trip to. Select the Set to depart from the arrival time choice and afterward select the departure or arrival time, whatever you know, so you can better plan your trip and estimate when you will show up or when you want to leave to show up on time.

7. Switch off tracking

Regardless of whether you're going to a gathering or experimenting, there are times when you don't need Google Maps to recollect where you've been. There's a choice that switches off following your area inside Google Maps, similar to Incognito mode in Google Chrome (Ctrl + Shift + N, and you imagine you don't have the idea about this alternate way).

Simply click on your profile symbol in the upper right corner and select Turn on Incognito mode from the menu. Google Maps will be reset, and you will get a message that the following is switched off, while your icon will be replaced by the recognizable uncle symbol in a coat with a cap on his head.

8. Update offline maps

When traveling on a vacation abroad, for instance, roaming expenses can be costly, and regardless of whether you have data roaming, storing Google Maps can be costly. Google Maps offers the choice to trade out and download a particular area of your choice, however you should check before you check whether the maps are up to date. You want to choose the Settings option after tapping on your profile icon at the upper right and afterward select Offline maps settings. Auto download recommended maps option is active. Your maps will be updated consistently.