Monster Hunter Rise arrives on PC in January, and old monsters return to Sunbreak expansion

The big Monster Hunter hit from Nintendo Switch in early 2022 arrives on the PC with all the features and upgrades you would expect from a PC game.

Oct 1, 2021 - 02:18
Monster Hunter Rise arrives on PC in January, and old monsters return to Sunbreak expansion

The big Monster Hunter hit from Nintendo Switch in early 2022 arrives on the PC with all the features and upgrades you would expect from a PC game.

Unlike the Switch, which hardware resources do not allow for anything more than blurry graphics and relatively poor performance, the PC port comes with support for 4K resolution, with more detailed textures and support for ultra-wide screens.

On January 12, 2022, the MHR on the PC will arrive with all previous upgrades, and in June, along with the version for the Nintendo Switch, it will also receive the Sunbreak expansion. The demo for PC will be available on Steam from October 13th.

At last night’s Monster Hunter Spotlight, Capcom talked about Sunbreak. Malzen is the new elder dragon, a new location in the castle ruins is shown, and Shogun Ceanataur returns from Monster Hunter 2, and these are the only two monsters mentioned so far in the context of Sunbreak. But count on Sunbreak to bring more reunions.

By: Amber V. - Zexron