The iPhone 14 will have options with up to 2TB of storage space

Apple recently introduced the iPhone 13 series and announced the iPhone 14 model, but rumors about the next generation of iPhone are already appearing.

Oct 3, 2021 - 02:25
The iPhone 14 will have options with up to 2TB of storage space

Apple recently introduced the iPhone 13 series and announced the iPhone 14 model, but rumors about the next generation of iPhone are already appearing. The latest information suggests that Apple will double the maximum storage space for the iPhone from next year.

Apple has doubled the maximum storage space for this year’s iPhone line, and the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max come with 1TB options. If the source of the new rumors is right, the iPhone 14 line will have up to 2TB of QLC storage space.

The source did not mention specific models, but if Apple offers 2TB storage it will probably be for the Pro and Pro Max variants, while for other models the capacity is expected to increase from 512GB to 1TB.

It is not known why Apple decided to increase the maximum storage space again (if the rumors turn out to be true). Since this is unconfirmed information, it is necessary to take it with a dose of reserve.

By: Olivia J. - Zexron