Android 12L - current Android for fold and tablet devices

Android 12L is coming soon - is this the end of "pure" Android as we know it

Oct 29, 2021 - 11:10
Android 12L - current Android for fold and tablet devices

It hasn't been long since we talked on our site about the introduction of the latest mobile platform from GoogleAndroid 12. Today we have the opportunity to write about the new version of Android 12L, if you are confused by this "L" in the name, we must admit that it confused us a bit. It is a version of Android 12, but "specially adapted" for folding devices and tablets. Basically, Android 12L is made for "big devices" and some sources even mention Chrome OS.

How this will be implemented we will see, what Android 12L brings is the familiar interface and environment of Android 12 but in a slightly different way. Prompted by the growth rate of Android tablets as well as the Chrome OS operating system, development engineers working on Pixel smartphones have shifted their forces to the development of the Android 12L platform.

The Android 12L is primarily made for folding devices (this can be concluded by two lock screen views) as well as other views related to folding devices.

Now it remains to be seen whether Android 12L will eventually replace "ordinary" Android 12, first of all, Galaxy Fold Z smartphones/tablets. Of course, all this will be said in the coming years or period.

As for the arrival of the Android 12L on the market, Google says that we can expect the same with the arrival in 2022. That is, with the advent of the first tablet and Chrome OS notebook models. Google is also working with OEMs to bring Android 12L to as many devices as possible, as expected.

One of the more interesting features of Android 12L, when it becomes available, will be the "automatic" setting of applications in dual screen mode.

Whether or not the applications within the code supported the specified display. We have to say that we don’t like this feature because it shows how Google wants to intentionally force a large number of users to get used to collapsible screens. Google certainly has a plan for what it will do for the concept of folding screens in the coming future.

Towards the very end, let's say one fact that surprised us a lot, and that is that the beta for Android 12L and Pixel smartphones will be open at the end of December. With this move, Google will gradually shut down Android 12 over the years and switch to Android 12L.

That is, to put folding devices, smartphones, tablets, computers under one operating system, we really don't know what to think.

Finally, let's say that Android 12L is nothing "spectacular", but a careful plan to unite all the hardware (with different types of screens) under one common software mass, called Android 12L.

By: Olivia J. - Zexron