Google has banned eight dangerous applications in the Play Store that are related to cryptocurrencies. Check out their list below!

Cryptocurrencies have been attracting the attention of many users in recent months, so several applications have recently appeared in Google's Play Store that have served as platforms for opening profiles and investing.

Sep 8, 2021 - 03:10
Google has banned eight dangerous applications in the Play Store that are related to cryptocurrencies. Check out their list below!

Cryptocurrencies have been attracting the attention of many users in recent months, so several applications have recently appeared in Google's Play Store that have served as platforms for opening profiles and investing.

Unfortunately, Google has issued an official announcement that dangerous malware and adware have been detected in some of these applications.

As a result, the following eight applications have been removed from the Google Play Store:

  • BitFunds - Crypto Cloud Mining
  • Bitcoin Miner - Cloud Mining
  • Bitcoin (BTC) - Pool Mining Cloud Wallet
  • Crypto Holic - Bitcoin Cloud Mining
  • Daily Bitcoin Rewards - Cloud Based Mining System
  • Bitcoin 2021
  • MineBit Pro - Crypto Cloud Mining & BTC miner
  • Ethereum (ETH) - Pool Mining Cloud.

In these applications, the users who downloaded them were drawn into the investment with promises of how to make big profits if they invested their money in cloud mining operations (cryptocurrency mining without the need to buy hardware). Additional details show that users who became victims of the fraud were presented with various deceptive ads, paid subscription service with an average monthly fee of $ 15, and at the same time paid an additional amount to increase mining capacity without receiving any refund.

A certain amount had to be paid to download two of the above eight applications. Downloading the Crypto Holic - Bitcoin Cloud Mining app cost $ 12.99, while the Daily Bitcoin Rewards - Cloud Based Mining System app cost $ 5.99.

The application was submitted to Google by the company Trend Micro, which is one of the leaders in the world when it comes to solving cyber security problems. Google removed the apps from the Play Store immediately after logging in, but users who downloaded them to their smartphones are still at risk and should delete them immediately.

How to recognize a fake cryptocurrency application?

Below are four tips that can serve as a form of testing the correctness of the downloaded application:

  • Read the reviews of the application in detail. Fake apps will have a large number of 5-star reviews, probably right after they become available in the Play Store. Pay more attention to negative reviews.
  • Try entering incorrect cryptocurrency wallet information. If after that the application accepts the entered data and continues to carry out further processes, it is probably some form of fraud.
  • Reset the application or phone at the time of the mining process. Once you do that, the application should not perform the process and everything should return to the initial settings before performing the reset.
  • Check if there is a withdrawal fee. The transfer of cryptocurrencies requires a fee that is relatively high when compared to cloud mining values ​​and, therefore, a free withdrawal could be highly questionable.
  • By: Amber V. - Gossip Whispers