Netflix Games has become available on both iPhones and iPads

The streaming provider Netflix actually made games available, even in every country where we can sign up for Netflix, all the more so it isn’t even expensive.

Nov 14, 2021 - 14:13
Netflix Games has become available on both iPhones and iPads

The streaming provider Netflix actually made games available, even in every country where we can sign up for Netflix, all the more so it isn’t even expensive. Also, for users of the standard package – they come at no extra charge. 

After installing the latest update, the app should theoretically put a list of available games among the other, movie and TV show categories, but in our case that didn’t happen, so we searched for “game” and found all six currently available titles. Although the games have their own page within the app, clicking on the “Download Game” button will take us to the App Store where we can start the download. All downloaded games become available directly from the device's main screen or from the App Library, but if you stick to it for some reason, you can also launch them from Netflix. 

According to the 9to5mac information, the new update re-enables us to subscribe to Netflix through Apple's own system, but we haven't been able to do so yet, which may be because this feature isn't available currently, will be introduced for all users or will simply not be available in all countries. 

By: Olivia J.