Tag: Solar

Luxury solar-powered catamaran with fully automated wing sail

Photo Credits: ZenYachts/Promo

Luxury solar-powered catamaran with fully automated win...

ZEN Yachts is building its flagship solar electric catamaran, the ZEN50, to orde...

The Earth will be hit by a solar storm, possible problems with technology

Photo Credits: Shutterstock

The Earth will be hit by a solar storm, possible proble...

If you experience problems receiving GPS navigation signals and other telecommun...

Lightyear has unveiled the production version of the “solar car”

Photo Credits: Lightyear/Promo

Lightyear has unveiled the production version of the “s...

Lightyear has presented the production version of the "solar car," whose idea ca...

TRANSPARENT SOLAR PANELS: Cheaper cells, higher efficiency, and 50 watts more energy per square meter

Photo Credits: Profimedia

TRANSPARENT SOLAR PANELS: Cheaper cells, higher efficie...

Combining old cells in a new way raises the efficiency of solar panels by almost...