Tesla presented its most affordable vehicle

Cyberquad for Kids can currently only be purchased in the United States, but if it proves popular, it may come 'across the pond'

Dec 3, 2021 - 04:33
Tesla presented its most affordable vehicle

If you want to buy a Tesla car, you would need to set aside a large amount of money. But a vehicle is finally arriving that most people will be able to afford. Although this news will delight many, the price of only $ 1,900 comes with some drawbacks. So one of them, for example, is the fact that it is an ATV, not a car, and ultimately made for children. https://twitter.com/woodhaus2/status/1466273823011917825?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1466273823011917825%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bug.hr%2Felektricna-vozila%2Ftesla-predstavila-svoje-najpovoljnije-vozilo-elektricni-atv-za-djecu-24561

Tesla novelty, Cyberquad for Kids, presented without notice and is already available for order via the company's Web site. This ATV boasts a steel chassis, a comfortable seat, and an adjustable suspension with rear disc brakes, and LED light strips are responsible for the distinctive cyberpunk design.

As it is a vehicle made for children, Cyberquad can achieve a maximum speed of 16 kilometers per hour. But Tesla points out that there is a limitation option that reduces that speed by half. A fully charged battery takes up to five hours to charge, and according to the company, it should last up to 24 kilometers, depending on various factors.

This is not the first time that Tesla has tried to make an ATV. In 2019, at the presentation of Cybertruck, Elon Musk brought Cyberquad, which caused the enthusiasm of the audience. But the Cyberquad never went on sale.