SURVEY: 65% of employed Americans are willing to receive a salary in bitcoin, ethereum and dogecoin

A recent study showed how Americans perceive bitcoin as a new form of compensation for work and offered an interesting insight into the psychological complexity behind the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Oct 3, 2021 - 20:38
SURVEY: 65% of employed Americans are willing to receive a salary in bitcoin, ethereum and dogecoin

To investigate what Americans think of cryptocurrencies as a form of remuneration, Skynova surveyed more than 1,000 hired professionals, including 797 employees and 205 managers.

To assess interests and experience related to the new form of compensation, the company’s survey included 46.9 percent of respondents who had already received cryptocurrency as compensation for work and 53.9 percent of respondents who had not yet received a salary paid in cryptocurrencies. Most employees are interested

The survey was designed to examine the general attitude of American employees about the payment of wages in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, whether they perceive it as a benefit and whether they would resign from their current job to continue working in a company that offers this type of compensation.

65.5% of them answered that they would be willing to receive compensation in cryptocurrencies at least to some extent, and slightly more than 28% of respondents stated that they would be "very willing" to accept such a form of compensation for work.

Less than 10% of respondents rated the idea of ​​this type of compensation as "very bad".

Nearly a third of respondents said they would leave their current job to continue working elsewhere that offers compensation in cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, 42.2% of them would resign if their employer started such a form of salary payment.

Such an attitude suggests that employees are more willing to seek new forms of compensation on their own instead of being forced to do so.

When asked in which cryptocurrency they would like to receive a salary, the majority of employed Americans (74.3%) chose bitcoin (BTC), followed by ethereum (ETH) and dogecoin (DOGE).

On one hand, according to the results of the research, it is concluded that there is a belief among employees that cryptocurrencies are the future of payment. Other commonly accepted benefits of fees in cryptocurrencies are the potential for financial gain and revenue diversification.

On other hand, the biggest perceived shortcomings of compensation in cryptocurrencies are market instability, the potential for financial losses, and limited acceptance. Most managers are willing to pay a salary in cryptocurrencies

More than 200 respondents were managers, often in charge of employment and compensation decisions.

Slightly more than 77% of them said that they were at least "somewhat willing" to pay wages to their employees in cryptocurrencies, which is significantly more than the percentage of employees who are willing to agree to such a form of wages.

When it comes to employment, cryptocurrencies also play an important role. Namely, 48.3% of those in charge of hiring workers stated that they usually seek experience in the field of cryptocurrencies and knowledge of cryptocurrencies.

When screening potential job candidates, managers of small and large companies often sought experience with cryptocurrencies, while medium-sized companies with 50 to 249 employees actually sought this type of experience more often.

By: Amber V. - Zexron